Run For Your Life— A Halloween Event

Hey, y’all! It’s been a while again. I’ve been doing pretty well with my running and biking despite my knee giving me some troubles. It’s been bothering me off and on all year, so it isn’t anything major. However, it’s been more and more of an issue lately, so I’m hoping to get it looked at and figure out what I need to do to fix it since the pain won’t stay gone. I don’t want to end up with any long-term problems.

That said, this month I did do another 5k race! I ran it with a couple of friends, so of course I had a good time. One of my friends did the 10k earlier in the day and the 5k 2 hours later (massive respect for her taking on that challenge), and the other ran the 5k with me. We tackled it together in run/walk intervals and I did a lot better with this one than I did at the race in August. It was Halloween themed, and I was planning to wear a costume, but I didn’t have enough time to make one and I didn’t feel like buying one, so I just made an orange/black/purple tutu to wear. I ended up glad not to have a costume after all because it was so humid. It had rained until an hour before the race, so everything was all steamy. The weather cleared and there was even a little bit of sun peeking through the clouds here and there, but I was glad it wasn’t full-on sun or it would have been even hotter. The race was held at an orchard, so on the way to pick up our race bibs and shirts, we had to walk through a field on a hill. It was muddy from the rain and I rolled my ankle three times by the time I got my bib, walked stuff back to the car, and walked to the starting line. Thankfully, it never rolled far enough to actually cause pain, so that was very lucky.

I wasn’t feeling nervous before this race like I did before every other one I’ve done. One of my friends rode to the race with me and we stopped at Starbucks before we hade the half hour drive. I guess the caffeine really helped! My main goal this race was to look good in my race pictures, but I managed to look like I was dying in just about every single one. There were photographers at miles 1 and 2, and at the finish line. The only picture I look kind of good in was the finish line one, and I think the fog machine helped in that one to add some atmosphere in. I at least look happy, but I still look a whole lot more exhausted than I felt. I’ll just have to try again at one of the other races that has in-race photographers. The finish line was fun because they announced every runner’s name as they crossed, so I felt like a celebrity. We collected our medals and made our way to the refreshment stand, where they had freshly made cinnamon donuts, popcorn, and cold apple cider. We battled a couple of bees to try to eat our snack, but I successfully managed not to get stung in the mouth (which happened to me 3 times as a kid, so I have a bit of a phobia of eating outside with bees buzzing around). I definitely want to do that race again next year. It was a really fun time. Even the people living in the nearby neighborhood that we passed through enjoyed seeing the runners. A few people had tables set up with refreshments they offered us and they were wearing costumes. The T-Rex was a popular choice this year for costumes; one was an adult dressed as one and one was a kid of maybe three or four, both in separate locations.

All in all, it’s been a pretty smooth year. I’m not having near the number of problems I had last year. I’m still really slow and feeling like I’m not making any progress, but I’m enjoying myself anyway. I’ll never be good enough to actually place in a race, so I don’t stress about it too much.

I don’t have any other races planned until New Year’s Eve at midnight, which should be interesting. I’ve been going to bed at 10:30 lately, so I don’t even know if I’ll have a lot of energy to run that late at night, but I’m sure he combination of the cold air and the fun atmosphere will give me enough of a boost. The goal for 2022 is to do a 5k every month, so I’m on the hunt for some fun novelty races. February will be a local hot cocoa run, and March so far looks like it will probably be St. Patrick’s Day themed, but I’m still hunting around. My only requirements for a race is that it has to be a fun one and it has to have finisher medals. What can I say; I like my bling!